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How to Maintain and Update Your Playwright Test Suite for Long-Term Success


Playwright is developed by the famous tech giant company “Microsoft”. It is used to perform various web application tests. It is a new name in the field of automation testing, but the popularity of Playwright for web application testing has increased exponentially. And there are valid reasons for that. 

It is an open-source framework that supports many languages and browsers and is supported in various operating systems. So, overall, it is the best package to perform web automation testing. Many cloud-based tools like LambdaTest can be integrated with Playwright for faster and more efficient testing results. 

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test execution and orchestration platform that empowers developers and testers to perform automation testing seamlessly on over 3000+ real browsers and operating system combinations.

It goes above and beyond traditional automation capabilities, making it an invaluable tool for handling complex testing scenarios. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, teams can easily automate tests, ensuring efficient and effective testing across various browsers and operating systems. This platform is a versatile and formidable ally for anyone looking to enhance their automation testing processes.

But apart from all these, if you want to make your testing successful in the long term, you must maintain and update your Playwright testing suite. In this article, you will see how to maintain and update your Playwright test suite for long-term success. Before that, let us briefly examine why we must maintain and date the test suite.

Need to Maintain and Update Your Playwright Test Suite

When you maintain and update your Playwright test suite effectively for long-term success, various aspects of the automation testing processes improve. That is why you need to maintain and update the Playwright test suite. These aspects are as follows:

Fostered Collaboration

A well-maintained and well-updated test suite always results in better team collaboration because all the team members can easily locate and contribute to that specific test group. All the team members have a clear vision and approach for their test group. Software engineers and software testing teams are not limited to locating the test group only. But they also get a lot of knowledge and experience when dealing with various test scenarios. 

While collaborating with the respected team, they share knowledge and improve their skills. Hence, a well-maintained and updated playwright test suite also fosters a culture of continuous learning and brings a collaborative environment where all the team members can learn and share, which results in long-term success and increased efficiency. 

Quick Feedback Loop

The feedback loop is very important to boost the software application testing process and increase development speed. It aims to boost productivity in work performance, team projects, or development processes. It’s a mechanism that helps to validate the work process and identify areas for improvement.

So, maintaining and updating your Playwright test suite helps to get a fast feedback loop. By doing such practice, the team can concentrate their focus on specific test scenarios. This saves a lot of time in the Playwright automation testing. The development team can get quick feedback if any changes occur, and they can plan their next step so that the testing becomes more efficient and helps in long-term success.

Efficient Resource Management

Maintaining and updating your Playwright test suite is crucial to achieving long-term success in automation testing. Once your Playwright test gets grouped, managed, and updated, it helps you manage your resources more efficiently. By tailoring test runs to specific scenarios, teams can efficiently allocate resources and ensure testing efforts align with project priorities. 

If you use your resources efficiently, it helps the team to make a dynamic timeline to complete the development process. And the timely delivery of software applications is achieved. So, maintaining and updating your Playwright test suite helps to achieve long-term success. 

Improved Testing Scalability

If you perform any change and update in your software application, it requires some well-structured and well-maintained test suite. So, updating and managing your Playwright test suite for automation testing helps achieve great and efficient results. 

New tests can be seamlessly integrated, and adjustments to existing tests can be made without jeopardizing the overall structure. In this situation, a grouped and updated test suite works well due to its modular nature. It helps the team to derive integrations of new test scenarios easily and quickly. Hence improving software functionality and scalability. 

How to Maintain and Update Your Playwright Test Suite for Long-Term Success

Now, let us see the various approaches that can be used to maintain and update your Playwright test suite for long-term success. 

Parameterize Test Scenarios

If you are trying to maintain and update your Playwright test suite, one of the best ways to do this is to parameterize the test scenarios for your automation testing. Doing this helps reduce the need to write the tests separately for similar cases repeatedly. This practice is well-known and appreciated by tech experts for long-term success. It allows the team to use parameters to dynamically execute the same test with input variations for different scenarios, and you can achieve long-term success in Playwright automation testing. Below is an example of parameterizing the test scenarios:

const {



} = require(‘@playwright/test’);

const validCredentials = [{

        username: ‘user1’,

        password: ‘pass123’



        username: ‘user2’,

        password: ‘secure456’


    // Additional sets of credentials


test(‘Login with Valid Credentials’, async ({


}, testData) => {

    const {



    } = testData;

    await page.goto(‘’);

    await page.fill(‘#username’, username);

    await page.fill(‘#password’, password);


    // Assertion and further test steps


Parameterizing the tests helps to reduce redundancy as you need to write the tests once and you can execute the tests for each set of credentials. If you want to add new credentials, you just need to add those credentials to the “validCredentials” array without rewriting the previous logic. Maintaining and updating your Playwright test suite for long-term success is very good practice. 

Organize by Priority, Module, or Feature

Organizing your test based on their priority, features, or based on the module is considered a very good way to maintain and update the Playwright test suite. Doing this helps the QA team and developers to organize your tests in similar groups. This group consists of similar tests in features, functionality, or modules. 

Hence, they can prioritize the test groups to maintain and update the playwright test suite for long-term success. Thus, it allows them to improve clarity and locate relevant Playwright tests or tests more easily. Unorganized priorities are defined as the ignorance of automating the components using automation tools with less priority and leaving the important features and components unaddressed for automation on the cloud. 

It may lead to an unorganized use of the tools and a waste of cloud resources. Most cloud resources are utilized on simple and easy components, and the complex part is left as it is. So, you must maintain and update the test priority based on features, modules, etc, for long-term success in automation testing with Playwright.

Using POM (Page Object Model)

The page object model is a very well-known concept in automation testing. Implementing the Page Object Model (POM) strategy helps teams organize tests around web pages, and ultimately, it helps maintain and update your Playwrigth test suite for long-term success. When working in the Agile methodology environment, the testing team should always be prepared to apply any changes in the web application code base. 

When there is a need to change, update, or add the automation code, the team should be prepared anytime to modify it to keep it updated and maintained. Suppose you change an element in a website page, which is used to 20 test case files in the automation framework; then you need to update at 20 various places if the DOM design is according to the design pattern follow-ups. 

In this way, the POM ( page object model ) helps the test automation team make the change in one place, and all the remaining two places will use this updated automation test code for the test execution process. So, POM helps the QA team maintain and update your Playwright test suite for long-term success. Also, you can deliver a clean and well-structured code organization.

Parallel Playwright Test Execution

To efficiently manage and update your Playwright test suit, you can adopt the concept of parallel testing. Using parallel test execution with Playwright helps to run independent tests simultaneously, saving time and resulting in better and long-term success. There are various ways to organize your Playwright test suite for parallel testing which helps to gain long-term success. 

You can implement “before and after hooks” to your Playwright test suite. Hooks can be defined anywhere in the software application or step definition layers using “@Before” and “@After”. They are typically used for setup and tear-down of your testing environment before and after each test scenario. All these help to run the automation testing using Playwright with much efficiency in less time. So, you should use parallelism to maintain and update your Playwright test suite for long-term success.


Playwright is used to perform various testing purposes in web testing. You can choose many other similar tools, but Playwright is highly efficient and provides much better results with less investment. Playwright is a multi-language, multi-platform, supportive automation testing tool. 

To get a successful and high-end testing result, promptly updating and maintaining your Playwright test suite is important. The various ways to maintain and update your Playwright test suite fostered collaboration. Implement parallelization, Parameterize the test scenarios using POM (Page Object Model), etc. These are how to maintain and update your Playwright test suite for long-term success.